Carter Branch Library to Begin Temporary Hours

Beginning Monday, May 13, Carter Branch Library will be open Monday–Friday, 10:00–6:00 (closed Saturday and Sunday). These hours will be in effect until the building maintenance renovation is complete. 

#11 Aesthetics Package

Photo of aesthetician injecting needle near woman's eye

Enjoy next level service with a beautiful outcome.

Item details:

Exclusive skincare kit including a gentle cleanse, prevention treatment with Vitamin CD with Ferulic Acid, and hydration with Brooke Nix Hydralite/Hydraserum.

The package also includes 20 units of Botox and a Diamond Glow 3-in-1 treatment that gently exfoliates rough dry skin with a customizable diamond tip, suctions oil and dirt from inside your pores, while simultaneously infusing condition-specific serums directly into the skin addressing issues like fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots, sun damage, melasma, blemishes, pore size, dry and dehydrated skin, and rough skin texture. Take home a complete Skinmedica Set in a retro travel case.

Value: $600.00

Minimum Bid: $300.00

Good luck!

We're so thrilled you'll have the chance to bid on this item at the 2023 Seeds of Imagination Luncheon. All proceeds benefit Dolly Parton's Imagination Library of Knox County.


Courtesy of Brooke Nix
Seeds of Imagination